Greyfriars' memorial quiz

2012 January 28

Created by Louise Saines 8 years ago
Friday 20th January 2012 F.R.O.G.S. held a memorable quiz in Chris' memory with all proceeds going towards this fund-£253 raised-that's a fantastic contribution! Chris' brother Roger was able to also attend the quiz and although this wasn't a part of Chris' life that he had experienced particularly I think he found it both enjoyable and moving. The quizzes at Greyfriars were such a special thing for Chris,he loved getting them ready,'hosting' them and deliberating over the responses-after a quiz he'd talk and talk about answers and how had my team done(or not). we'd go to bed and I'd fall asleep with him still quizzing me:) The evening was better/easier than I thought it might be. The genuine affection and respect for Chris shown was special and I felt a real sense of him being there (probably questioning the validity of the answers) Thank you everyone so very much.