New Year 2012

2012 January 01

Created by Louise Saines 8 years ago
Time drags and it seems like a lifetime since I last spoke to my darling husband. Since writing last our wedding anniversary has passed-I went to Rye Windmill as planned by us for what was to have been our 3rd anniversary. Chris would have liked the place but I'm not sure about the spiral staircase! It was a sad but important visit for me,I'm glad I went but was very glad to be home where I feel closest to him. Now Christmas has passed and New Year is upon us-who knows what 2012 holds but we do have a baby to look forward to in July. This would have made Chris so happy,to be a Grandfather was his hearts desire and he would have made such a good job of it. Needless to say this will be one child who will know all about their special Grandad Chris who their Grandma loves so very much. xx